
Annual Report 2022/2023

The landscape in which we deliver disability services has changed considerably over recent years. In 2022/23 we continued to plan and make decisions to ensure our status as a leading disability provider in Western Australia. Our strong future is guided by SensesWA Strategic Plan 2023-2026.

There are many exciting opportunities ahead for SensesWA, as our passionate people continue to provide a diverse range of services for our clients to achieve their best life and wellbeing. We look to the future and continue to work together to support building a better and more united disability sector for all people with disability and the WA community.

Download SensesWA Annual Report 2022/23

SensesWA Financial Report 2023

Annual Report 2021/2022

SensesWA has been decisive and responsive during a year of external unpredictability including, the ongoing pandemic and changing environment of the NDIS.

Despite great changes across the year, clients continued to receive person-centred services and supports.

Solid growth in the Lower Southwest region continues and the Albany hub opened to expand upon our existing hubs in Bunbury, Busselton, and Margaret River.

SensesWA were recipients of three Telethon project, program and equipment grants, for which we are very grateful.

Download SensesWA Annual Report 2021/22

SensesWA – 2021/22 Financial Report

Annual Report 2020/2021

SensesWA has fared well during a year of highs and lows, as the pandemic continued to provide an unpredictable environment.Despite this, Senses landed in a strong financial position and with the launch of a new 3-year strategic plan,  have developed a well-founded approach to achieve realistic growth targets.

Significant progress has been made, with the development of the inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which has been endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.

Senses commend all employees on their dedication to our client’s safety and wellbeing. Their flexible approach meant that high standards were maintained, and clients continued to receive the services and supports they need.

Download Senses Annual Report 2020/2021

SensesWA – 2021 Financial Report

Annual Report 2019/2020

It has been a year of great strength and adaptation for SensesWA. Despite the unpredictable nature of the coronavirus pandemic, we have continued to create valuable outcomes for our clients and positive results for our organisation. We remained focused on our Strategic Plan 2018-2021 and opened a new Service Centre in Bunbury.

A huge effort was demonstrated across the whole organisation. This commitment has meant we were been able to keep our services running to fulfil our client’s needs.

Download Annual Report 2019/20

Annual Report 2018/2019

It was a been a busy and exciting year for Senses Australia as we continue to provide a unique blend of professional services to people living with disability ranging from therapy, home care services, accommodation options and family and sibling support services.

Our new Service Centre in Edgewater opened in May and in 2020 we expect the completion of a new Service Hub in Armadale

Our clients continued to transition to the NDIS.

Download Annual Report 2018/2019

Quality Evaluation – Audit Report 2019

In 2019 Senses Australia underwent a Quality Evaluation, an external audit commissioned by the Department of Communities, Disability Services.  We are pleased to let everyone know that we performed extremely well.  Senses Australia is meeting all the National Disability Service Standards and continuing to provide high quality services to our clients.

To view the Summary Quality Evaluation Report Click Here

To view the Quality Evaluation Report please Click Here

Annual Report 2017/2018

Senses Australia continued its proud history of delivering excellent disability services that enrich the lives of our clients and their families.

In January, we welcomed new Chief Executive Officer Lisa Brennan. Lisa’s focus has been on positioning Senses Australia as a provider of choice within a new environment that saw WA join the NDIS.

In 2017-18 we saw, through the opening of our Margaret River and Northam centres, what an impact a local presence can have. We have established a vibrant local presence in both centres and have been embraced by the local community.

We also embarked upon a process of review, corporate restructure and strategic planning to ensure financial sustainability and the ability to embrace new opportunities. We saw growth in the number of clients as well as growth in our geographical footprint.

Download Annual Report 2017/2018

Annual Report 2016/2017

2016/2017 was a year of exceptional growth and a time of transformation for Senses Australia, while we continued to strive to provide excellent services to our clients, while also meeting their needs.

Senses Australia has been ‘transforming’ since the NDIS was first proposed in 2011 and our organisation has continued to change throughout the last five years.  The past 12 months we have continued to strive to meet our objective – to become the disability service provider of choice for the NDIS participant.

As part of the transformation, we revised our management structure, undertook an extensive brand analysis, reviewed our name to develop a clear brand identity and we developed hubs in metropolitan and regional Western Australia.

We saw growth in terms of the number of clients we provide services to; the number of hours we have delivered services, as well as growth in our geographical footprint and in our use of technology.

Download the 2016/2017 annual report

Annual Report 2015/2016

2015-2016 has been a year of considerable growth for Senses Australia, having provided 277,266 hours of direct service to 885 people with disability.  Our services experienced continued growth particularly in the WA NDIS Lower South West and Cockburn Kwinana trial sites as well as the NDIS HIlls trial site.  Our Therapy Services received growth funding and demand for Positive Behaviour Support, as well as services as part of Fee for Service, Better Start, Helping Children with Autism and Post Intervention Therapy Services grew significantly.  Service Development worked with Wheatbelt disability organisation Ability Focus to transition and prepare 18 clients as they moved to Senses Australia on 1 July 2016.  We also experienced growth in our Family Support program including the development of full time host family options for children and young adults, as well as employing two full time coordinators.  We are also a provider for the Disability Placement and Support Programme with the Department of Child Protection and Family Support and 33 clients received a service through the block funded respite program.

Download the 2015/2016 annual report

Annual Report 2014/2015

2014-2015 gives us an opportunity to reflect on our history as we celebrate 120 years and look towards our future. Over the past 120 years, the only thing that has not changed is Senses Australia’s commitment to people with disability and excellence in service delivery.  Today, Senses Australia is a leading disability service provider with a difference.  We assist people with disability of all ages, to meet their goals and aspirations through the provision of contemporary and responsive services.


Annual Report 2013/2014

2013 – 2014 has indeed been an exciting and incredibly busy year!  We became Senses Australia; we delivered for our clients; we prepared for the trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Western Australia; we reviewed the achievements of the 2009 – 2014 Strategic Plan; and we developed the 2014 – 2017 Strategic Plan in readiness for its implementation on the 1st July 2014.

Download Senses Australia Annual Report 2013/14

Annual Report 2011/2012

Deafblind Awareness Week in June of this year was a sign of the incredible growth of Senses Australia in recent years.  During the Week, the Minister for Disability Services, the Honourable Helen Morton MLC, opened our 10th group home and it was a reminder to me of how this past year has seen further exponential growth in the number of clients and consequently the hours of service provided and the diversity of those services.


Annual Report 2010/2011

By any measure 2010-11 has been a rousing success story for Senses Foundation.  The unique, highly specialised knowledge and skills of the Senses Foundation team coupled with their energy and dedication to our Mission has seen significant increases in the number of clients and in the quantum and range of services provided.


Annual Report 2009/2010

In recent years we have put a good deal of effort into refining our strategic and business plans, and now the Board and senior management team, with the assistance of our legal advisors, have carefully reviewed all aspects of the Constitution so that it meets the requirements of governance in the 21st Century


Annual Report 2007/2008

It is a heartening feature of Senses that we do this: Board and staff team working together to tackle the great questions, the wicked problems and the ideas for the way forward. Those responsible for governance working with those accountable for management, deliberating in a shared environment of trust consistent with our great organisation’s values so as to achieve a consensus on the next iteration of our strategic plan.


Annual Report 2006/2007

We were an institutional provider, where clients attended classes or therapy, worked in sheltered workshops and lived in sheltered accommodation on one large site. In short, our clients came to us. Whereas we are now a 21st century knowledge-based organisation, housed in a fairly modest suite of modern offi ces and our professional staff go out to attend to our clients on an individual basis at their place of living or working.


Annual Report 2005/2006

The successful implementation of our Strategic Plan continues to make in-roads in our quest to provide more and better services to a growing number of clients. This year we have introduced a social work program and extended our physiotherapy, occupational therapy, aged care and respite programs. Under the sound stewardship of our Client Services Senior Manager, Elvira Edwards, and her wonderful team, we expect this trend to continue.
