Feedback on my services

Feedback on services

SensesWA encourages feedback from all clients, carers and the community.

There are a few ways you can do this, you can speak directly with the people who are providing your service, email us at or fill in our feedback form below.

You can use an advocate to support you to do this and you can provide your feedback anonymously.

While we welcome the opportunity to work with you directly regarding your feedback, you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission regarding your services provided by SensesWA by calling 1800 035 544 or visiting and completing their online complaint contact form.

What you can expect

To have your feedback received and treated promptly, fairly, respectfully and confidentially.

SensesWA will let you know that your feedback has been received within 5 working days.

If your feedback is a complaint, you will be provided with a dedicated contact person and informed of how long we expect it take to resolve your complaint.



Feedback on my services

  • Your details

    Your privacy is important, any information collected will be stored securely and only used as per our Privacy Policy.
  • If you'd like for us to get in touch with you, please provide your name and contact details.
  • Description of feedback

    Please be as descriptive as possible and include any specific dates, times, names of employees or events where relevant
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.