Fun with food – Hummus makeup anyone?

Posted on December 21, 2023 in Latest News and Information
Speech Pathologist Lauren and Sage with hummus makeup

Speech Pathologist Lauren and Sage with hummus makeup

Image: Speech Pathologist Lauren and Sage using hummus as makeup.

Sage has been enjoying some fun with food with therapists Lauren and Rachel.

Sage is a very happy and positive 10 year old, but mealtimes were tricky for Sage, experiencing some pain and reflux, and requiring mum, Krista to assist with feeding. Sage and Krista have been working with our multidisciplinary team, on a number of goals, with one being around improving her experience at mealtimes.

“There’s nothing these therapists wouldn’t do for Sage. I mean look at them, they are covered in hummus makeup.”
Krista – Sage’s Mum

“When there are goals regarding mealtimes we look at the whole day and not just what happens at dinner time. What happens throughout the day and the build up to dinner time will have a big impact on how the mealtime goes and how it effects fatigue.

There has been a lot of collaboration on Sage’s goals. Everyone has been involved to maximise her success. Her family members, Education Assistant at school and therapists including Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Dietitian and Physiotherapist.

“With a few tweaks at her school and home environments Sage has seen some great improvements in mealtimes. Sage is now eating more food, but her diet is still quite limited. This is where we are trying some food play to open the variety of foods that Sage will try.

Sage is proud of her success and is very excited to share her progress. It’s really nice when you can see the client and their family celebrating the wins.” Lauren Speech Pathologist.

Sage loves makeup and this week Occupational Therapist, Rachel and Speech Pathologist, Lauren used food as the makeup. Sage applies butter to the fingertips as nail polish and hummus to the lips as lipstick. Trying new textures and flavours while having fun with food.

If you or someone you know would like assistance with mealtimes our experienced team is here to assist, talk to us today.

Call 1300 111 881 or email


Image:  Sage applying hummus makeup to Occupational Therapist Rachel.

Speech Pathologist Lauren and Sage

Image: Speech Pathologist Lauren and Sage

Image: Sage tasting food on her thumb with Speech Pathologist Lauren and Occupational Therapist Rachel 

Image: Occupational Therapist Rachel, Sage and Speech Pathologist Lauren.