Positive Behaviour Support

We all use behaviour as a way of communicating. When a person uses challenging behaviour or behaviours of concern, they are telling us that something is wrong or missing, and they need help to make it better and have their needs met.

Positive behaviour support is an evidence-based approach which aims to reduce behaviours of concern by increasing a person’s quality of life.


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What is Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)?
PBS is an evidence-based approach to working with people with disability across the lifespan. The primary goal is to increase a person’s quality of life and the secondary goal is to decrease their use of inappropriate, challenging or unsafe behaviours.

PBS recognises that behaviour is way of communication. Challenging behaviours are a way
that people communicate that something is not right or is missing in their life. The focus is not on the behaviour but rather WHY the behaviour is being used.


Your Positive Behaviour Support Team

SensesWA’s Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners work closely with you, your family and carers, supporters and other stakeholders to explore your needs and your overall quality of life. Together we aim to gain a shared understanding of you and your needs, working to reduce behaviours of concern through the process.


We do this by:

  • Using a collaborative, person centred approach to plan the types of supports and services you need. Together we gain an understanding of what is going well and what needs to change or look different in order to enhance your quality of life
  • Using a proactive approach to identify and support your strengths
  • Helping families and key individuals to identify causes of behaviour
  • Supporting families, carers and stakeholders to feel empowered to understand your individual needs and how these needs can be met
  • Collaborating with you, your family, carers, and others to identify and implement supports, strategies, and interventions.
  • Supporting you to have choice and control, to engage in activities and relationships that are meaningful, that help to meet your needs for connection, safety and security, and provide predictability in your life

Who are the team:

The Positive Behaviour Support Team at SensesWA comprises therapists from different disciplines including;

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Therapy Assistants
  • Deafblind Consultants

What funding do I need:

  • Capacity Building/Behaviour Support
  • Capacity Building/CB Relationships/Improved relationships funding
  • PBS services can also be accessed through funding from Department of Communities (DoC)
  • Fee for service


Contact us with any queries you may have regarding disability therapy or our Positive Behaviour approach.

    Our services can be accessed through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan, fee for service arrangements or other funded programs. The NDIS funding for Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is referred to as 'CB Relationships Funding', please visit ndis.gov.au/participants/using-your-plan/managing-your-plan/support-budgets-your-plan or contact the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on 1800 800 110 for more details.
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