Bec’s gnocchi recipe
Bec loves cooking and recently made her very own gnocchi with a burnt butter sauce. And the best part is, it’s all home made from scratch.
One of Bec’s goals is to build her skills in the kitchen and together with team leader Lorryn, and the rest of her house mates, they regularly cook new recipes together. Pasta being Bec’s favourite.
Bec, this recipe sounds and looks delicious.
“Im looking forward to learning how to make homemade Apple Pie or bread and butter pudding. I get a bit nervous at first and it’s probably easier to buy one and say you made it haha, but it’s more exciting to cook from scratch.”
If you do happen to make Bec’s recipe we would love to see how it turned out. Please send your photos to intouch@senses.org.au
Bec’s Gnocchi Recipe
- 1 Egg
- 1 Egg yolk
- Salt and pepper
- Plain flour
- x2 375g of smooth ricotta
- 1 – 1 1/2 cups of parmesan cheese grated
- 1/2 – 1Tbs – fresh garlic minced
- Italian herbs, if you wish
- Place ricotta, parmesan , egg, salt and pepper, herbs, and garlic into a bowl and mix. Then add flour slowly until you get the right consistency.
- Dust bench with plain flour and tip mixture onto bench (make sure it’s still a bit tacky as when you knead with the flour on the bench it will make it denser). Knead until you have a smooth, soft, cloud type mixture and then cut into four.
- Roll out with palms to make a long sausage then cut desired size (I roughly do 10c to 20c piece size) imprint with fork when cut and put aside until all dough has been cut.
- Boil a pot of water on the stove and lightly salt.
- Place 10 – 12 pieces at a time into the pot (depending on size) and let cook. When they float to the top let sit for a further 1-2minutes then take one out to try. If doughy leave in a further 1-2 minutes.
- Once cooked take out with a slotted ladle or spoon to drain away excess water and put into a bowl. Complete until all the pasta is cooked.
- I always brown the gnocchi in a pan first with some butter until slightly brown then add into the sauce. Note: Before browning you can freeze and cook later.
- You can cook with your desired sauce tomato or burnt butter.